Kim Natural Food - Health Food Store Kim Natural Food
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주 소 219 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto, ON M6R 2L6 CA
전 화416-537-1428
수정일: 2020-08-21,  등록일: 2020-08-21
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Kim Natural Foods
Your Path to Wellness
At Kim Natural Foods we are a small, family owned health food store operating in the Roncesvalles community for over 15 years (previously known as Qi). 

We aim to provide a variety of quality, professional nutritional supplements, specialty foods, gluten free gourmet foods, vegan options, bulk food items, medicinal and culinary herbs, quick and easy healthy frozen foods, organic coffee, herbal and therapeutic teas, skin care, beauty products, and household items at very competitive prices. 

We are excited to announce our second location at 1396 Don Mills is open and ready for your shopping pleasure!

A Guide To Toronto's Independent Grocery Stores
