SK 인테리어 Sk interiors
주 소 9 Finch Ave. E Toronto, ON M2N 4P9 CA
팩 스647-896-8829
전 화416-992-8829
수정일: 2008-04-21,  등록일: 2008-04-21
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SKID guarantees quality services and materials, and superior results compared to any other interior designers. We offer great prices. We design any types of interiors and we have lots of experience. We design: --All COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL interiors --Rooms --Kitchens --Bathrooms --Offices --Lobbies --And more We also install: --Heating --Cooling --Floors --Walls --Electrical --Plumbing --And more Not only that, before we do anything, we plan everything out accurately to get not a single mistake. We plan out the space, then design & build. To contact us for any reason, or if you have a question, please email us.